Follow these steps if you’re moving goods permanently to, England, Wales, or Scotland from a country outside the UK

Community transit (CT) is a UK and EU customs procedure that allows non-community goods which duty has not been paid on to move from one point in the UK, or EU to another.

You may need an Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI number) if you move goods between…

Follow these steps if you’re moving goods permanently from; England, Wales or Scotland (Great Britain) to a country outside the UK

You can get relief from customs charges due on personal belongings and other goods, when transferring your place of residence to Great Britain and Northern Ireland from outside the EU.

HMRC will be closing its Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system on 31 March 2023. From this date, all businesses will need to declare goods through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).