Export Amendment (C81)

On the 25 July 2022, the current Export Amendment (C81) form is being replaced.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will no longer be able to accept Export Amendment forms by any of the following methods from 25 July 2022:

  • Paper documents by post
  • Electronic versions by email or via the Digital Mail Service.

Make an amendment to export declarations – Make an amendment to export declarations – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Turkey or Turkiye?

International organisations like the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and NATO have already adopted Türkiye following a formal request from the Turkish authorities.

There is no intention to amend, or expectation for industry to amend, certificates of origin, carnets, or invoices.

In most cases, it is expected that invoices and other commercial documents would use a 2-character country code anyway, which would reflect either name reference; in Turkey’s ( or should it be Turkiye’ s )  case this would be the identifier, ‘TR’.

African Swine Flu

From Thursday 1st September new restrictions are in place for the import of pork and pork products into Great Britain from the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states.

It is no longer legal to bring pork or pork products weighing over two kilograms into Great Britain unless they meet commercial EU production standards.

For further information please see: