Customs Declaration Changes

Change is coming to customs declarations!
Don’t be afraid we’re here to help.

Dating back, probably to when dinosaurs existed, there has been a licence waiver code (LIC99) which has been used on entries to avoid the need to declare licences and other associated document. When CDS replaced CHIEF, this was changed from LIC99 to 999L and is still currently in use.

However, from 1st Feb these will not be valid anymore and the correct licence code will need to be input where applicable – subject to the HS code and other contributing factors.

See the below information provided by HMRC:

Customs Declaration Service: Get ready for the removal of document code ‘999L’ for imports

On 14 Jul 23, we wrote to you to confirm that we had extended the use of waiver document code ‘999L’ on import declarations until 31 January 2024. After this date, the code will be permanently removed. This waiver document code is used for ex-heading goods, which are goods that may not have documentary or licensing requirements.

What you should use instead

Ahead of 31 January 2024, we have published the following 10 national waiver document codes to the UK Tariff. These should be used instead of 999L when submitting your import declarations.

These national waiver codes are in addition to the EU waiver documents codes that should be used for other import measures. They are available within the Trade Tariff on GOV.UK.

You should start using these codes straightaway. If you use the 999L waiver document code for imports after 31 January 2024, your declaration will not be accepted. This means your goods being delayed at the border.

Pre-lodged import declarations made before 31 January 2024 that arrive after this date will be rejected unless the correct waiver document code has been supplied in place of 999L.

If you make import declarations on behalf of others, please make your customers aware of these changes. This will make sure they continue to provide you with the information needed for their declarations.
Help and support

Further information about these national waiver document codes, including how to use them, is available on GOV.UK

Please be aware that waivers can be added or amended to align with legislation. You can find the latest information explaining what the codes needed to import and export certain commodities on GOV.UK

For more information, you can: 

  1. read the latest Customs Declaration Service guidance and access example import declarations on GOV.UK.
  2. watch our videos and recorded webinars on topics like imports, exports and rules of origin on the HMRC YouTube channel. 

GOVERNMENT UPDATE: New border controls in the UK

The UK government has released its Border Target Operating Model, which details additional customs regulations for imports into the country. Processes will be altered, affecting businesses that import products.

Important Dates:

  • 31st Jan 2024 – Health certifications are required for some EU imports. Some Northern Ireland/Ireland supplies require prior notice.
  • 30th April 2024 – Documentary inspections on EU imports of medium-risk items begin on 30th April, 2024. Some non-EU import rules have been relaxed.
  • 31st October 2024 – Imports into the EU must include safety and security statements. Data needs have been reduced.
  • From 31st October 2024 – Physical inspections for EU goods will be implemented at UK west coast ports from October 31, 2024.

These reforms attempt to strike a compromise between biosecurity and customs regulations, as well as trade facilitation. The new UK Single Trade Window will facilitate digital transactions.


If you have any concerns or questions regarding how these changes may affect your supply chain or imports, please contact us at T: 01268 705040 or E: for more information 

HMRC UPDATE: Export Migration – Phased Approach

HMRC Update: Export Migration – Phased Approach

We have been provided with the following update directly from HMRC as below:


Announcement of phased approach to export migration – Phased approach to CDS export migration announced – GOV.UK (
Today, we are announcing on GOV.UK and writing out to businesses that complete export declarations to make you aware of a phased approach for CDS exports migration.
Please see below the key messages:
After listening to feedback from industry, HMRC is implementing a phased approach for businesses moving to the Customs Declaration Service for exports. 
During the first phase, HMRC and its software developers will support selected high-volume declarants to move to CDS for exports by Thursday 30 November 2023. 
The second stage of this approach will see all other businesses move to CDS for exports by Saturday 30 March 2024. 
This new approach will enable HMRC and delivery partners to build on the existing IT testing as well as undertake additional performance analysis while businesses with the existing IT functionality start to migrate. 
It will also enable HMRC and their delivery partners to better support export declarants to make a smooth migration to CDS.  
What businesses can do now
If they have not done so already, declarants can carry out the following steps to prepare their businesses for using CDS for export declarations:
  • Apply for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number beginning with ‘GB’
  • Subscribe to CDS to be able to submit export declarations from your software to CDS
  • Read the latest CDS guidance on GOV.UK – including the CDS Toolkit, ‘Key differences between CHIEF and CDS’ guidance and our introductory UK exports guide – to familiarise yourself with CDS
If they are using Movement Reference Numbers (MRNs) for export arrival movements on CHIEF, they should stop using them now. Instead, they should use a Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR) or a Master Unique Consignment Reference (MUCR) if one exists.

We will continue to provide information and guidance to support businesses to make export declarations through CDS.



Contact our specialist team on: Phone: 01268 705040 or Email: for more information 

Severe Cyclone ”BIPARJOY”

Dear Valued Client,
We hope all is well

Please see below – received from various Ports relating to the Severe Cyclone ”BIPARJOY”

All JNPA port users and terminals
Cautionary due to very Severe Cyclone ”BIPARJOY”

As per IMD very severe Cyclone ”BIPARJOY” is intensified and moving northward, The cyclone is expected to pass 600 kms west of Mumbai/JNPA on 11th June AM noon hours, Due the very severe cyclone JNPA port and its approaches is experiencing strong wind on 20 to 25 kts, some time wind is gusting to 35 to 40 kts specially during flood tide. Wind is expected to increase as cyclone passes the Mumbai. Port also expected to experience moderate rain on 11th and 12th June. JNPA is monitoring the movement of cyclone and weather in port.

Due to strong and gusting wind the movements of container vessels will be restricted. Except container vessel other vessels movements will continue with pilot boarding by tug boat till weather permits.

All vessel working at JNPA to take precautions while handling cargo and double up the mooring lines. All terminals are advised to take necessary precautions to avoid damage due to wind. Agents to advise their vessels to take necessary action due to bad weather.

JNPA pilots will board and disembark from vessel at safer place in tug boat due to swell and choppy sea. Vessel master will be guided through VTS (JNPA control station), Pilot will escort the vessel if required from tug.


Mundra Port Trade Circular: Weather Advisory

Please find below advisory for vessels calling/Planned or already working at Mundra port in wake of developed Cyclone “Biparjoy” which has intensified and developed into a Very severe cyclonic storm and may pass to the proximity of Gulf of Kutch.

1. Mundra Port operation centre is presently sharing and updating all trade units 6 hourly weather forecast which will continue until cyclone dissipates.

2. We may experience severe weather conditions from 11th June’23 from evening hours onwards as per the prediction. There is forecast of heavy rains and wind. Request to plan all port related activities and safeguard personnel working in port accordingly.

3. All agencies and trade units are directed to inform all their shipping lines and vessel’s command about Cyclone Alert for Gujarat Coast falling under their respective agencies for vessels at berth /anchored/planned or expected vessel.

4. All ships anchored are hereby advised to take all necessary steps for their safety which includes steaming out to high seas. Vessels presently at berth have to keep extra mooring ropes ready if required. Tug hire service will be suspended in case of bad weather.

5. Please inform the vessel master to keep vessel engine ready on short notice and keep continue watch on VHF CH-77.

6. All terminals to secure their cargo gear, loading arm, other lifting at oil jetty and other related equipment and ensure compliance of heavy weather contingency plan.

7. We may experience heavy rain all across in view of that all personnel entering Mundra SEZ are requested to wear suitable PPE and carry raincoat with them.

8. Any vessel under cargo operation, may require to complete their cargo operation and complete all necessary documentations in order to sail out vessels tentatively before June 11th/PM hours. The vessels at berth and at anchor should be ready to sail in all respect on short notice.

9. Port is continually monitoring weather condition and if persistent wind increases and is between 30- 35 kts, port will evaluate the situation and may plan to evacuate all the vessels alongside from berth and shift to anchorage.

10. Berthing of the vessels post June 11th /AM hours will be subject to weather condition and at the discretion of Port authority.

11. Visitor’s entry shall be restricted during the said period. Please keep visit to the port to minimum and strictly for business.


APM Terminals Pipavav port

Cyclone Biporjoy impacts the APM Terminals Pipavav port operations adversely.
APM Terminals Pipavav hereby informs customers and partners that the port operations are suspended owing to the Cyclone Biporjoy from 11:30 pm on 10th June 2023.

This is to inform you that long persistent swell is making the marine & quayside operations extremely difficult & challenging. Weather forecast over the next 48-72 hours indicate a wind speed of ~30 knots & over around Pipavav. This too poses a serious risk to the operations. With the cyclonic system closing in over the next 36-48 hours, the weather is only expected to worsen.

We will continue to monitor the situation & go for a review on/around 13th June 2023 once the cyclone is clear. We shall keep you progressively updated regarding the resumption of operations.

If you do have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team who will be happy to help.

Going Global day 3

Day 3 – Last day of the Going Global Expo 2022.

The team has got bigger! We are looking forward to meeting everyone and discussing our services! Visit us at booth G404.

We look forward to seeing you!

Going Global day 2

Day 2 – First day of the Going Global Expo 2022.

The team were all set up bright and early today and ready for business. If you’re around today or tomorrow, our team are at booth G404 with some freebies.

We look forward to seeing you!

Going Global day 1

Day 1 – The build-up.


#teambroker at Going Global Expo 2022 first day of stand building.

If you are attending this event, please visit us at booth G404 for a chat with the team and to obtain some freebies.

We look forward to seeing you

CHIEF, NCTS, and GVMS Downtime

Due to scheduled maintenance on Customs Handling of Import Export Freight to facilitate the clock change from BST to GMT, the service will be unavailable for 2 hours to all users from:
23:59 Saturday 29th October 2022 to 01:00 Sunday 30th October 2022

CHIEF Extension

HMRC plans to close this extension process to new applications on 31st October 2022. By this date everyone who asked for a one-month extension should be fully migrated to CDS. Declarants that applied for a longer extension will find out this week if they have been successfully

Extensions beyond 31st October 2022 have been granted only in exceptional circumstances, such as a software developer not being ready and where the applicant provided HMRC with clear plans to show when the development will be completed. 
Where extensions have not been granted, declarants will be expected to make all their imports declarations on CDS. However, to accommodate import month-end activities these declarants will be able to continue to use CHIEF until 7th November 2022 and they have been notified of this decision in writing.

8-digit Code Changes

On 31 October 2022, the European Commission published the Combined Nomenclature (CN) code to come into force on 1st January 2023. The CN covers the first 8-digits of a commodity code used for export declarations and intra-EU declarations, known as Intrastat reports.
We have confirmed with HMRC that the UK will be following the 8-digit code changes introduced in the 2023 EU Combined Nomenclature and will be publishing a table showing the 8-digit correlations for 2023 in the UK Integrated Online Tariff in due course.