HMRC Update: Export Migration – Phased Approach
We have been provided with the following update directly from HMRC as below:
Announcement of phased approach to export migration – Phased approach to CDS export migration announced – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Today, we are announcing on GOV.UK and writing out to businesses that complete export declarations to make you aware of a phased approach for CDS exports migration.
Please see below the key messages:
After listening to feedback from industry, HMRC is implementing a phased approach for businesses moving to the Customs Declaration Service for exports.
During the first phase, HMRC and its software developers will support selected high-volume declarants to move to CDS for exports by Thursday 30 November 2023.
The second stage of this approach will see all other businesses move to CDS for exports by Saturday 30 March 2024.
This new approach will enable HMRC and delivery partners to build on the existing IT testing as well as undertake additional performance analysis while businesses with the existing IT functionality start to migrate.
It will also enable HMRC and their delivery partners to better support export declarants to make a smooth migration to CDS.
What businesses can do now
If they have not done so already, declarants can carry out the following steps to prepare their businesses for using CDS for export declarations:
- Apply for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number beginning with ‘GB’
- Subscribe to CDS to be able to submit export declarations from your software to CDS
- Read the latest CDS guidance on GOV.UK – including the CDS Toolkit, ‘Key differences between CHIEF and CDS’ guidance and our introductory UK exports guide – to familiarise yourself with CDS
If they are using Movement Reference Numbers (MRNs) for export arrival movements on CHIEF, they should stop using them now. Instead, they should use a Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR) or a Master Unique Consignment Reference (MUCR) if one exists.
We will continue to provide information and guidance to support businesses to make export declarations through CDS.